Welcome to this group and thanks for taking the trouble to point your browser here.
The redhat Yahoo! group is co-owned by myself (Godwin Stewart, ) and Scott Robbins () and we are given a helping hand in herding this group of over 2000 subscribers by moderator Cameron Simpson (). You can reach all 3 of us at the same time by mailing .
Please note that this mailing list is not an official mailing list supported by Red Hat. For the official Red Hat mailing lists you should visit redhat.com or the Fedora Core home page.
Our job is to make sure that things remain civilised on the mailing list and to prevent objectionable content from cluttering up everybody's inbox. The best way we've found to achieve this is to set the group so that new members' first postings have to reviewed and accepted by a moderator before appearing. This is why we have moderators posted in various places and, more importantly, time zones (East USA, central Europe and Australia), to ensure that these postings are handled and appear on the list as soon as possible. This obviously means that your first postings will also be moderated to start with, so please bear with us if they don't appear immediately. Once it has become apparent that someone is here to participate in a positive, constructive manner and not spam the group, the posting restriction is lifted.
Since you joined up with this list in the first place, it's pretty safe to assume that you need help with something. In such a case, your first port of call should be Scott's official FAQ for this group: http://home.nyc.rr.com/computertaijutsu/linfaq.html. You'll find that many frequently asked questions (hence the name FAQ) are already answered on that page, so you won't have to wait for another group member to read your question before getting an answer if it is covered on that page. Also note that the reply to a question covered in the FAQ is liable to be "Read the FAQ"... Other questions frequently asked by people wanting to switch from Windows to Linux are covered on this page: http://linux.sgms-centre.com/advocacy/faq4dozers.php.
Of course, it could also be that you're no beginner and that you'd like to pitch in and help out those who are. If so, then many thanks in advance for your contributions. Any and all help is welcome!
About the only things we ask of group members are to keep their postings on-topic and to observe netiquette. If you spam the group you'll be kicked off, banned and reported to your ISP. If you thumb your nose persistently at posting netiquette (and by extension, at all your fellow group members) your posting privileges will be revoked until such a time as you decide to behave a bit better.
Scott's FAQ explains a few things about posting netiquette, and I also have a netiquette page, http://linux.sgms-centre.com/misc/netiquette.php, which goes into greater detail. We suggest that you read the FAQ and netiquette pages attentively, and we will deal with your postings supposing you have done so. In other words, your posting will be delayed or deleted if it doesn't conform to netiquette standards.
We are all perfectly aware that English is not everybody's first language and allowances will be made. Common sense, however, knows no linguistic barriers, so we won't accept language as a reason why you "didn't know any better" if you start trolling the group or doing anything else that's stupid.
So, what is on-topic?
This group is dedicated to the discussion of Red Hat Linux and its derivatives. Such derivatives include the Fedora Project, Pink Tie and, even though they diverged a while back, Mandrake Linux. There are probably others I have forgotten. So, if you need help installing and/or using one of these distributions then here is a good place to find help. Remember to look first of all in the FAQ before posting your queries.
Thanks for joining!
USEFUL ADDRESSES: List posting address: List moderators: To unsubscribe, mail to:
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