...or "stuff I couldn't figure out where to put" ;o)
In here, you'll find a few pages on various subjects and a couple of pieces of software.
- Cellphone plans are becoming more and more competitive. Here's a brief write-up of my adventures switching providers to get the best deal. Here is the original document in French.
- Still on the subject of cellphones, here's a page that describes some of the most commonly-used GSM codes that are issued by cellphones via their menus, but that the user can issue manually or assign to speed dial keys etc.
- Not being about to drop the subject of cellphones, I wrote this guide, which explains how to update a Nokia N95 smartphone even if your network operator hasn't yet released updates. In essence, it debrands your phone and lets you use Nokia's original software on it.
- I'm one of the co-owners of the RedHat group at Yahoo! Groups (even though I don't even use Red Hat Linux myself). This is one of the pages of which the URL is given in the welcome message sent to all new subscribers to the Yahoo! Group.
- I also wrote a document outlining netiquette to observe in USENET and on public mailing lists. There's also a French translation of that document because I run and subscribe to several French language mailing lists.
- Having recently acquired a MemUp Koolsteel MP3/WMA/OGG player, I decided to do a write-up of the device.
Note that this device died in February 2007, 16 months after I bought it.- dumprdns is a script I wrote in Perl to give me a reverse-DNS dump of an entire IP range.
- Patches to Linux-2.6.x kernels adding support for the DXR3 family of MPEG2 decompressors can be found here.
- A small utility called stripmail is something I wrote for a mailing list management project I'm working on. As its name suggests, it scans e-mails and removes nasties from them. Ideal as a procmail filter.
- usb-storage-tools is a collection of shell scripts to help manage multiple storage devices connected to the machine by USB.
- Do people keep on sending you warnings about a new so-called virus doing the rounds? The chances are that there's no such thing in reality. This page explains how to tell the difference between real warnings and hoaxes, and what to do if you're sent a hoax.
- Here's a list of acronyms commonly used online.
- This is a rant against spammers and the damage they do, written by a fellow participant in antispam-related newsgroups.
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